On a managed UG workstation, you can send a print job with the RUG Printer which is installed by default on standard UG workstations.
If you use a user managed workstation, you still need to install the printer software yourself. For Linux and Mac users, the RUG Printer is not yet available. (Install the RUG Printer on a user managed workstation)
Important: to install the printer software, you must be logged in to the print portal: https://rug.mycampusprint.nl
1. Open your document and click on [Print]. Select the RUG printer.
2. Click on [Properties] (or printer properties).
3. Set the desired print settings. For example, you can choose to print your job as single-sided, double-sided, colour or black and white.
4. Click [OK].
5. Click [Print] to send the print job to a printer.